How Switching To Organic Cotton Clothing Is Better For Your Mental Health And Our Planet

Tina Montanarelli Uncategorized

Last week we talked about all of the toxic ingredients in our household and personal products that have been linked to anxiety, cancer, asthma and allergies.  Not to mention their impact on the environment.



This coating of toxins creates a a build up in our bodies and brains that can lead to hormone disruption, depression and anxiety.  Everything that we put on bodies and comes in contact with our skin enters our bloodstream and is processed by our immune system as foreign objects.  This week we continue that conversation with a guest post from my friend (and neighbor) who has started her own company, all around a white t-shirt.  Yes you heard that correctly, a simple, organic, recyclable white t-shirt!




Our skin is our largest organ, protecting our precious insides from all kinds of scary stuff. We try our best to eat clean, but what about a clean wardrobe?




According to, cotton is the primary crop for textiles around the world. There are now 56 types of genetically modified cotton, second only to corn. Why is this bad? GMO cotton has been modified to produce toxins as it grows, to fight off pests and resist weed killer. The waste from these crops sometimes goes into cotton seed oil, which is used in some snack brands.




Conventional cotton farming uses an extensive amount of water. Pesticides make the crops thirsty! Cotton is usually the sole crop planted, making the soil eventually incapable of holding water. It even dried up Aral Sea, the world’s 4th largest lake. Since organic cotton cannot use harmful chemicals, less water is needed. Most organic cotton is also rain fed instead of irrigated, conserving water.




Organic cotton is certified to be grown without the use of any synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides. This means no ROUNDUP! A few weeks ago, a federal jury ordered Monsanto to pay $80 million to Edwin Hardeman, a 70-year-old man with cancer who had used it for three decades on his farm. The jury found that Roundup was a “substantial factor” in his illness.




Organic cotton can actually be composted! Cut out all the tags, buttons and labels. It should break down in about 3 months! It also helps the soil retain its moisture.




Many active wear brands use synthetic materials. When we wash them, they release tiny bits of plastic called microfibers. These flow into our water treatment plants, drains, rivers, lakes and oceans. Unlike cotton that will break down in 3 months, these take anywhere from 20 to 200 years!





When choosing an organic cotton garment, look for the GOTS logo (Global Organic Textile Standard) and certifiers name and number. GOTS requires strict environmental and social criteria for operations along the entire supply chain, from seed to fabric. Clothing with this certification is 95 % organic.


GOTS prohibits the use of “11 Hazardous Chemicals that Should Be Eliminated” targeted in Green Peace’s Detox Campaign. These compounds are known to be toxic, carcinogenic, or hormone disruptors. Their use poses risks for the environment and human health.


If you want to delve further, here are some great resources!

The Story of Microfibers


In 2018 Tina founded Vert Toi, a cradle to cradle minimalist organic cotton t-shirt brand for women, launching in May 2019.


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